Are you interested in working as a poll worker in Elkhart County? We are always looking for good volunteers ready to assist the community during the election season. Becoming a poll worker is not as difficult as you may think. We have listed the qualifications and additional information here to help you understand what we are looking for in a poll worker.
An otherwise qualified person is eligible to serve as a vote center election officer unless the person (1) is unable to read, write, and speak the English language; (2) has any property bet or wagered on the result of the election; (3) is a candidate to be voted for at the election, except as an unopposed candidate for a precinct committeeman or state convention delegate; or (4) is the spouse, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of a candidate or declared write-in candidate to be voted for at the election, except an unopposed candidate. This subdivision disqualifies a person whose relationship to the candidate is the result of birth, marriage, or adoption.
In addition to the requirement for qualification, a person is not eligible to serve as a supervisor if the person is the chairman or treasurer of the committee of a candidate whose name appears on the ballot.
In Elkhart County, a vote center board consists of the following:
One (1) supervisor, (4) facilitators, and four (4) clerks.
Each county chairman of a major political party is entitled to nominate two (2) facilitators under Indiana State Guidelines. Each supervisor and facilitator must be a voter of Elkhart county.
Poll clerks must be voters of the county. Elkhart County has four poll clerks at each vote center. Each county chairman of a major political party is entitled to nominate two poll clerks.
The county chairperson of the major political party whose candidate for the office of Secretary of State received the highest vote in the county at the last election may nominate a voter for the office of supervisor.
The vote center rules and qualifications of poll workers are pursuant to Indiana Code I.C. 3-6-6. The State of Indiana rules pertaining to voter centers and poll worker qualifications can be view at the link below.
Poll worker training will be at the County Office Building, 117 N 2nd St, Goshen, Room 104. More information about training can be found here.